Ascalon was an amazing location in Guild Wars before the searing that provided characters with various items. If you are also looking to get your hands on Cheap Ascalon Pre Searing Items, you can definitely check out
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Ascalon was a natural beauty that had various difficulties leading to near destruction by bandits, grawls, skales, and charrs. Still, the beauty of this land can be seen as of today in Guild Wars
Ascalon Pre-Searing is referred to as this isolated place that a character can never go back to. Because of the Pre Searing, the players get to play various other mechanics of the game that aren’t usually available.
They can test their professions, try them out, check out new levels, and quests, get secondary professions, and carry on with their game. A person who stays there for a longer period is referred to as the Permanent Pre-Searing.
For the most part, you will be given a total of Ascalon Legendary Defender
Various items are also available there, called the Ascalon Pre-Searing Items like dyes, consumables, and so on. Dyes are usually available in more amounts there and enemies aren’t as tough, making it great for farming.
You can trade for Belt Pouch, and get various other items like Tapestry Shred and Charr Bag.
After going to the Ascalon Pre-Searing you will have to play the game like you usually do. There are various characters that you can trade with and interact with or do quests in order to get various items.
Make sure you are not joining the Academy before this land because once you are in the Academy you can’t go back to the Ascalon Pre-Searing.
There are some items in Ascalon like Miniatures, Spider Webs, other Crafting Materials, unsalvaged Items, and so on, that have value only outside the Pre Searing while they aren’t valuable inside. Other items like Lunar Tokens and Victory are also in the same category.
Besides this various items that you can get in the Pre Searing that are hard to come by are below.
You can trade with Humphreys or Brownlow to get the Belt Pouch
Interacting with Gwen will get you the Tapestry Shred which you can use later in the Eye of the North for a quest
There are Charr Bosses that you have to kill in order to get the Charr Bag. They are used for 10-item capacity and are typically green dropped
You can get trophies in Pre Searing and then trade them for Nicholas Sandford, ultimately giving you Huntsman Gift.
Black Dyes are quite good for secondary currency for going beyond the mark of 100 platinum.
Charr Salvage Kits are also like the Charr Bags but are useful for salvaging better upgrades and valuables.
Besides this, there are a lot of items available in Ascalon Pre Searing. If you don’t want to get in the trouble of going through all of these locations, you can simply Buy Ascalon Pre Searing Items from trusty
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