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Understanding the Attribute System in Guild Wars 1

The quantitative characteristics of all entities in Guild Wars, even player characters, are called attributes. The majority of skills have a corresponding quality that determines how effective they are. For the majority of weapons and offhand to work to their full potential, a minimal investment must be made in a certain attribute. Some characteristics have an innate impact. "Rank" refers to an attribute's value.

Attribute Requirements

For numerous arms to be fully effective, a certain amount of investment in a particular attribute is necessary. This stipulation, which will be noted in the weapon's datasheet, solely pertains to the advantage for which it is specifically listed. The advantage associated with the attribute would be significantly diminished if the criteria are not satisfied, albeit the specific punishment rules have not yet been verified. For instance, even with no Earth Magic, Milius' Pillar would provide the user with +30 health, +15 energy, 20% HSR, and 10% HCT but the harm would be significantly diminished.


You can change the major and secondary attributes that are assigned to you and your fallen comrades under the Attributes area. Amounts cannot be decreased below zero or increased above twelve for unmodified attribute levels. The number of leftover attribute points you still have and the rank currently allocated to your attributes are both listed in the Attributes section. The number next to the up arrow denotes the number of attribute points required to move up a rank, while the quantity next to the down arrow denotes the number of attribute points that would be restored to the "pool" of unused attribute points should you move down a level. 

Red numbers signify a drop in rank caused by hexes, conditions, and environmental impacts, whereas blue numbers indicate a rise in rank due to a variety of reasons including abilities, consumables, blessings, and runes.

Guild Wars 1 Attributes


You can change the primary and secondary qualities of the skills that are assigned to you as well as your heroes under the Skills section. Heroes and PvP players can select any ability that has been unlocked on that account, whereas PvE characters are limited to selecting talents they have learned from trainers or obtained through missions. Skills can be sorted and displayed in different ways by choosing either of the buttons to the right. You won't be able to utilize talents that are engraved with a padlock symbol (often PvE-only skills) in certain regions if you continue because they aren't allowed there.

You can select the view mode in which you want to see your skill list.

  • Display as a small grid

  • Display as a list

  • Display as a large grid

Additionally, you can specify how you want your abilities to be organised:

  • Sort by Profession

  • Sort by Cost

  • Sort by Activation Time

  • Sort by Elite Status

  • Sort by Type

  • Sort by Recharge Time

  • Sort by Campaign

Primary and secondary attributes

Every profession has a basic characteristic that contributes to its "making" and which also usually has an intrinsic influence. Each profession has a primary attribute that is accessible to characters that choose that profession as their primary vocation. Compared to secondary qualities, primary attributes often have fewer connected talents.

Every other attribute is a secondary attribute. All secondary traits from a character's primary as well as secondary occupations will be present. This implies that every character has access to every secondary attribute and its corresponding skills at some point in the game. Most secondary characteristics have no inherent influence.

Inherent effects

Beyond the associated skills and objects, Primary attributes have impacts. For instance, Energy Storage will raise a character's highest level of energy directly, while Strength will improve any attack skill the protagonist employs, such as the ability to penetrate armor. With a couple of exceptions, secondary attributes only have an impact on the abilities they are tied to and, where relevant, the competence with the associated weapon type. Exceptions consist of:

  • The frequency of twin dagger strikes increases with Dagger Mastery.

  • Death Magic raises the number of permitted minions.

Attributes list

Here is a list of professions with their primary and secondary attributes.


  • Primary: Strength

  • Effect: Increases all attack ability to penetrate armor.

  • Secondary: Hammer Mastery, Axe Mastery, Swordsmanship, Tactics


  • Primary: Expertise

  • Effect: lowers the energy requirement for the ranger, ritual skills, touch, and attack.

  • Secondary: Marksmanship, Beast Mastery, Wilderness Survival


  • Primary: Divine Favor

  • Effect: Whenever a monk spell is casted on an ally it adds bonus healing.

  • Secondary: Healing Prayers, Smiting Prayers, Protection Prayers


  • Primary: Soul Reaping

  • Effect: With every nearby creature death you recieve energy.

  • Secondary: Curses, Blood Magic, Death Magic


  • Primary: Fast Casting

  • Effect: Reduces the recharging time for mesmer spells in PvE and reduces the casting duration of all charms and signets.

  • Secondary: Domination Magic, Inspiration Magic, Illusion Magic


  • Primary: Energy Storage

  • Effect: Make an addition to maximum energy

  • Secondary: Air Magic, Earth Magic, Fire Magic, Water Magic


  • Primary: Critical Strikes

  • Effect: Increases the likelihood of critical hits and makes critical hits energetic

  • Secondary: Deadly Arts, Dagger Mastery, Shadow Arts


  • Primary: Spawning Power

  • Effect: Increases duration of weapon spells and the health of all summoned creatures

  • Secondary: Channeling Magic, Communing, Restoration Magic


  • Primary: Leadership

  • Effect: Based on the amount of afflicted allies, provides energy for shouting and chanting.

  • Secondary: Motivation, Command, Spear Mastery


  • Primary: Mysticism

  • Effect: Lowers the dervish enchantments' energy cost. increases the armour rating in PvE while charmed.

  • Secondary: Earth Prayers, Scythe Mastery, Wind Prayers

Guild Wars 1 Dervish

Attribute Quests

Along with the 170 AP you can earn when you reach level 20, you can also earn more AP by finishing attribute quests. These quests are found in the advanced parts of the game and constitute the more challenging and intricate ones for prophecies. They can be finished before going to the mainland in Factions because they are located on Shing Jea Island. They both reside in Istan and are connected to the Sunspear rank in Nightfall.

How to increase attributes?

Permanent increase

A character's "raw" base attribute rank is determined by their attribute points. Spending steadily increasing amounts of attribute points will raise an attribute up to a maximum of 12. The sole means to effectively raise a secondary career's attribute is via attribute points.

Every characteristic has a related rune that could be employed to give armor a suffix that raises that attribute. The 1-3 ranks that runes add to an attribute come at a cost of maximum health for the higher runes. The character's strongest rune is taken into account for each characteristic; benefits do not stack, but health penalties do. Only a character's principal professional qualities can be increased in this way because runes are only permitted on the armor associated with that profession.

A headgear's profession attribute may also receive a +1 bonus. Hero headgear as well as common headgear will increase the characteristic of the rune that is affixed to it; without a rune, they will not increase anything. You can purchase such equipment using the in-game currency also for faster progress. If you are falling short of the GW currency, we are here for you.

Visit our website GW1Shop to purchase Guild Wars 1 Currency at the cheapest rate on the web with quickest delivery. You can also purchase various items and Level Boosters to get an edge over other players.

Chance of increase

  • Upgrade parts for weapons can give the opportunity to perform a skill each time it is used at a higher attribute rank.

  • Inherent mod with "Master of My Domain" phrase or something equivalent: The item's +1 attribute has a chance of 10-20% of suffixes ending in "Attribute": Attribute +1 (10–20% likelihood when applying talents).

  • +1 attribute for items with Mastery suffixes (10–20% chance when utilising skills).


The game is based on attributes, and to prosper in the game make sure you have upgraded attributes. All these upgraded attributes will give a headstart over your friends and you will be able to move forward in the game swiftly. So, make sure you focus on the attributes too.

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